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Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Tips sederhana merawat mesin mobil bensin

Automotive Share | Tips sederhana merawat mesin mobil bensin | tips sederhana merawat mesin mobil diesel dan tulisan ini tentangtips sederhana merawat mesin mobil berbahan bakar bensin.Secara sederhana perawatan untuk mobil bensin tidak jauh berbeda dengan mesin mobil diesel dan kalau kita bandingkan dari sistem pengapian lebih rumit mobil bensin apalagi mobil jaman sekarang yang semua sistemnya elektrik.Nah kita tidak usah membicarakan masalah sistemnya tapi cara perawatan sederhana yang dapat anda lakukan sendiri tanpa harus pergi ke bengkel.
Berikut tips sederhananya:
1.untuk sistem pendingin atau pada radiator perlu anda perhatikan gantilah air radiator kira-kira dua bulan atau buatlah secara berkala.Ini menjaga agar kotoran pada radiator dapat di kurangi dan sirkulasi air pendingin lancar

2.periksa selalu kepala accu kencangkan bila kendur agar sistem pengisian stabil

3.periksa saringan minyak bersihkan selalu setiap dua minggu sekali atau ganti bila sudah terlalu banyak kotoran.

4.periksa selalu saringan udara bersihkan atau ganti bila sudah padat

5.dan yang terakhir sebelum memanaskan mesin di pagi hari usahakan starter jangan langsung hidup kira-kira tiga kali starter agar olie mesin dapat bergerak naik ini membasahi dinding silinder.setelah itu hidupkan tanpa menginjak pedal gas.

Demikian sedikit tips tentang merawat mesin mobil bensin semoga bermanfaat dan pesan saya bila anda ingin pergi ke bengkel carilah bengkel yang sudah terpercaya agar tidak membuat anda kecewa setelah mobil di service.

Simple tips on caring for gasoline engine

Automotive Share | Simple tips on caring for gasoline engine | Simple tips on caring for a diesel car engine and this article about simple tips caring for car engines fueled simple bensin.Secara care for petrol cars are not much different from thediesel engine and if we compare the ignition system is more complicated than gasolinecars let alone a car today that all its systems elektrik.Nah we do not have to talk about the system but how simple maintenance you can do yourself without having to go to the garage.
The following simple tips:
1. for the radiator cooling system or you need to consider changing the water radiator about two months or make it berkala.Ini keep the dirt in the radiator can be reduced and the cooling water circulation smoothly.
2. always check the battery's head in order to tighten the slack when the charging system is stable

3. always check the oil filter cleaning once every two weeks or a change when it is too muchdirt.

4. always check the air filter clean or replace if already solid

5. and the last before the engine heats up in the morning starters do not immediately try to live about three times the starter so the engine can move up Olie is soaks silinder.setelahwalls that turn without stepping on the gas pedal.

Similarly, some tips on caring for a petrol car engine may be useful and message me if youwant to go to look for garage workshop that has been trusted to not let you down after a carin service

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011



 Hydraulic system is a technology that memenfaatkan liquid, usually oil, to make a line ofmovement or rotation. This system works on the principle if a liquid substance subject topressure, the pressure will also include kesegala direction with no increases or decreasesits power. The principle of the hydraulic circuit is to use a working fluid in the form of liquiddisplaced by a hydraulic pump to run a particular system.
 To be able to work, the hydraulic system requires two sets of fundamentals that shouldterdesain with slick. By performing analysis on these two fundamental circuits and identifyeach component and its workflow, then the panel will be utilized hydraulic system further. In the sense that, it will be applied * with ease and understanding of the concept and designwork will be further developed.

Sistem Hidrolik

Automotive Share | Sistem Hidrolik | Apa Sistem Hidrolik itu ….

Sistem Hidrolik adalah suatu sistem/ peralatan yang bekerja berdasarkan sifat dan potensi / kemampuan yang ada pada zat cair ( liquid ).

Kata hidrolik sendiri berasal dari bahasa ‘Greek’ yakni dari kata ‘hydro’ yang berati air dan ‘aulos’ yang berarti pipa. Namun, pada masa sekarang ini sistem hidrolik kebanyakan menggunakan air atau campuran oli dan air (water emulsian) atau oli saja.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Mobil Listrik

Autimotive Share | Mobil Listrik |
Menurut Internatonal Standard (ISO 8713:2002)Mobil Listik dikenal dalam istilah Electric road vehicles yang di Amerika dikembangkan menjadi dua (2) jenis, diantaranya ;Zero Emission Vehicles(ZEV) dan Low Emission Vehicles (LEV). Mobil listrik yang di kategorikan menjadi Zero Emission Vehicles adalah Mobil Batterai (Battery Operate) dan Mobil Fuel cell. Sedangkan yang dikategorikan menjadi LEV adalah mobil yang sistem penggeraknya memadukan antara convensional engine dengan motor listrik (mobil Hybride). Berbagai teknologi yang berkembang terkait dengan mobil listrik ini, dapat diuraikan secara singkat sebagai berikut :

Solar Car (Mobil Tenaga Surya)

Automotive Share | Solar Car (Mobil Tenaga Surya) | Developed Toyota's Solar Car
Articles Collection - 102 - Solar Energy / Solar / Solar
Toyota Developing  |Solar Car

The automaker giant Toyota Motor Corp.. secretly been developing solar-powered cars as part of an effort to create future cars with environmentally friendly fuel.

Mengenal Bagian-Bagian Pada Mesin

Automobile engine is a fairly complex system, all the parts work together to produce powerthat will be converted to power the car motion. Let's identify some crucial engine Parts.

Read More: Understanding the parts of Machines | General Tips #

Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Perawatan Transmisi Mobil Otomatis

Automotive Share | Perawatan Transmisi Mobil Otomatis | Cara perawatan transmisi otomatis sebenarnya tidaklah sulit seperti yang diperkirakan banyak orang. Perawatan transmisi otomatis yang dilakukan sama dengan perawatan yang dilakukan terhadap transmisi manual, berupa pengecekan terhadap kualitas minyak transmisi otomatis (hampir sama dengan minyak rem/Automatic Transmission Fluid dan bukan termasuk oli) dan kebocoran dari packing-packing yang ada. Malah sebenarnya lebih simple dari manual seperti pada mobil Honda All New Jazz, Honda All New CRV dan Mobil Honda terbaru lainnya .

Merawat Mesin Diesel

Automotive Share | Merawat Mesin Diesel | SELAIN ekonomis, mobil bermesin diesel juga dikenal bandel dan tahan banjir. Apalagi pemilik mobil di daerah seperti Jakarta yang kerap kali tergenang. Tentu saja ketahanan ini berbeda dengan mesin bensin yang rentan terganggu pada sistem pengapian.
Karena itulah, kini pemakaian mesin diesel mulai marak. Namun kadang masih saja ada anggapan yang mengalir bahwa mobil bermesin diesel itu rumit dalam perawatan. Padahal mesin diesel bila dipergunakan untuk jarak jauh, semakin panas semakin bagus..

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

Air Brake Systems in Cars(Rem Udara)

Automotive Share | Air Brake Systems in Cars(Rem Udara) | PEMBAHASAN


SEJARAH penemuan rem angin Westinghouse ini cukup sederhana. Pada suatu hari Westinghouse mengadakan perjalanan dengan kereta api dan mengalami keterlambatan beberapa jam. Penyebabnya, dua kereta api telah bertabrakan dan memblokir rel yang akan dilalui. Atas kejadian itu,Westinghouse menjadi tertarik untuk menciptakan suatu sistem rem kereta api yang relatif aman. Ia mempunyai gagasan rem itu harus praktis. Cukup digerakkan seorang masinis dari dalam lokomotif. Selain itu, dalam pikirannya rem kereta api harus bekerja efektif. Artinya, rem tersebut ketika bekerja dapat menghentikan lokomotif dan rangkaian gerbong seketika.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


Automotive Share | SISTEM KEMUDI | Titles Titles & descriptions


Author: Rendy

Sistem kemudi berfungsi mengatur arah kendaraan dengan cara,membelokkan roda depan. Bila roda kemudi diputar, kolom kemudi
meneruskan putaran ke roda gigi kemudi. Roda gigi kemudi ini memperbesar momen putar, sehingga menghasilkan tenaga yang lebih besar untuk
menggerakkan roda depan melalui sambungan-sambungan kemudi (steering linkage).

Ada dua model sistem kemudi yang umum digunakan pada mobil,yaitu model recirculating ball

Tire specifications

Automotive Share | Tire specifications | There are a lot of important information printed on the sidewall of a tire. Printed name of the tire, size, type of tubeless or tube type, degree / level of tire, speed limits, load limits, limits of wind pressure, warnings and safety advice and more. Please click on the image area to understand the tires on the tire information in detail. (under the tire image in a sequence you can read about the summary information about the tire specification).

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Need For Speed: UNDERGROUND 2-PC Games

free download - Automotive Share | Need For Speed: UNDERGROUND 2-PC Games

Need for Speed Underground 2 Cheats & Codes

Check out our 3 cheats & codes for Need for Speed Underground 2. Or read the

Harga dan Spesifikasi Mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz (all new avanza)

Toyota Avanza Veloz adalah sebutan dari varian tertinggi mobil Toyota All new Avanza 2012. Kalo sebelumnya type tertinggi Avanza sering disebut Avanza type S. Harga mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz dijual dengan harga Rp.170.700.000 untuk type Manual ( M/T) dan Rp.180.200.000 untuk type Otomatis (A/T).

Mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz hanya ada 4 pilihan warna saja yaitu Silver Mica Metallic, Dark Steel Mica, White, Black Metallic. Saya sih suka sama warna White (putih).

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

Car With Light Sensor Using

Automotive Share | Car With Light Sensor Using |

Opel Flextreme Opel will showcase the GT / E, ie a new car that uses a new technology. Cars with this latest technology will be showcased at the Geneva Motor Show Opel to-80, took place March 4 to 14. This car has a long dimension of 4762 mm, height 1308 mm. This car is more visible flat with the use of alloy wheels measuring 21 inches.


Otomotif adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang alat-alat transportasi darat yang menggunakan mesin, terutama mobil dan sepeda motor. Otomotif mulai berkembang sebagai cabang ilmu seiring dengan diciptakannya mesin mobil. .

Dalam perkembangannya, mobil semakin menjadi alat transportasi yang kompleks yang terdiri dari ribuan komponen yang tergolong dalam puluhan sistem dan subsistem. Oleh karena itu, otomotif pun berkembang menjadi ilmu yang luas dan mencakup semua sistem dan subsistem tersebut. ;

Untuk menjaga mobil dapat berfungsi dengan baik, dibutuhkan service secara teratur (berkala). Pekerjaan service berkala sebaiknya dilakukan oleh mekanik berpengalaman sesuai standar prosedur yang dilakukan oleh ATPM (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek) dan sesuai jenis kendaraan yang dirawat serta kilometer yang telah dicapai.

Juga diperlukan Spooring yang menggunakan computerized alignment yang sangat akurasi dan didukung oleh operator yang sangat berpengalaman. Tools lain yang digunakan adalah Star Diagnostic dan Multi Scanner yang berfungsi untuk membaca dan melacak aspek kesalahan pada berbagai merk dan jenis kendaraan yang pengoperasiannya didukung oleh operator yang ahli.

Sistem as
Sistem elektronik
Sistem pembakaran
Sistem pengemudian
Sistem pengereman
Sistem roda
Sistem suspensi
Sistem transmisi

Artikel bertopik teknologi ini adalah sebuah rintisan.Anda dapat mengembangkanya di

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Hydraulic System


Bertahun-tahun lalu manusia telah menemukan kekuatan dari perpindahan air, meskipun mereka tidak mengetahui hal tersebut merupakan prinsip hidrolik. Sejak pertama digunakan prinsip ini, mereka terus menerus mengaplikasikan prinsip ini untuk banyak hal untuk kemajuan dan kemudahan umat manusia.

Mazda2 Hybrid Dipasarkan 2013

Automotive Share |  Mazda2 Hybrid Dipasarkan 2013 | mazda mengikuti jejak produsen mobil Jepang lainnya bermain di kendaraan listrik. Mobil yang ditawarkan Mazda2 (Mazda Demio) hybrid dan siap dipasarkan pada 2013. Lantas, seperti apa teknologi yang jadi andalan?

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

workings of the engine 4 stroke (four steps)

Why called a 4 stroke engine, because there are 4 steps. following his way of working ...

1. Intake / suction
Called step intake / suction as the first step is to suck through the piston from the carburetor. Fuel supply is not enough just from the spray carburetor. The way it works is as follows. First piston at the top position (or so-called Dead Point Up / TMA). Then the piston sucks fuel already be set / mix of gasoline and air in the carburetor. The piston then suck back the fuel. To open, required valve or inlet valve which opens when the piston down / sucking downward.

Cara Kerja Mesin Berteknologi VVT-i

Cara kerjanya cukup sederhana. Untuk menghitung waktu buka tutup katup (valve timing) yang optimal, ECU (Electronic Control Unit) menyesuaikan dengan kecepatan mesin, volume udara masuk, posisi throttle (akselerator) dan temperatur air. Agar target valve timing selalu tercapai, sensor posisi chamshaft atau crankshaft memberikan sinyal sebagai respon koreksi.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Cara Kerja Mesin

Automotive Share | Cara Kerja Mesin |
Prinsip Kerja

Tekanan gas hasil pembakaran bahan bakan dan udara akan mendorong torak yang dihubungkan dengan poros engkol menggunakan batang torak, sehingga torak dapat bergerak bolak-balik (reciprocating). Gerak bolak-balik torak akan diubah menjadi gerak rotasi oleh poros engkol (crank shaft). Dan sebaliknya gerak rotasi poros engkol juga diubah menjadi gerak bolak-balik torak pada langkah kompresi.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Fuel Pump

Automotive Share | Fuel Pump | topbengkel.blogspot.comMechanical pump

Mechanical fuel pump, fitted to cylinder head
Prior to the widespread adoption of electronic fuel injection, most carbureted automobile engines used mechanical fuel pumps to transfer fuel from the fuel tank into the fuel bowls of the carburetor. Most mechanical fuel pumps are diaphragm pumps, which are a type of positive displacement pump. Diaphragm pumps contain a pump chamber whose volume is increased or decreased by the flexing of a flexible diaphragm,

Transmisi Dengan Synchromesh

Automotive Share | Transmisi Dengan Synchromesh |

Jenis ini mempunyai konstruksi seperti jenis constantmesh. Pada jenis ini untuk memindahkan putaran dari main gear ke main shaft digunakan Synchromesh, sehingga perpindahan putaran dapat dilakukan dengan mudah pada berbagai kecepatan.

1. Susunan transmisi jenis Synchromesh
Pada dasarnya transmisi jenis Synchromesh terdiri atas lima bagian, yaitu sebagai berikut :
  • Syncronizer ring, yang berfungsi untuk menyamakan putaran.
  • Clutch hub, berfungsi untuk menghubungkan putaran dari dari sleeve hub ke main shaft.
  • Sleeve hub, berfungsi untuk memindahkan putaran dari main gear ke main shaft melalui clutch hub.
  • Sycronizer key , berfungsi untuk menekan synchronizer ring dan sekaligus membantu bekerjanya sleeve hub
  • Synchronizer spring, berfungsi untuk menekan synchronizer key selalu tertekan ke sleeve hub

2. Cara kerjanya
Bila sleeve digerakkan ke depan atau ke belakang oleh fork,sleeve akan bergerak ke depan atau ke belakang. Gerakana sleeve hub menbawa synchronizer key untuk menekan synchronizer ring, selanjutnya synchronizer ringtertekan dantergesek dengan cone. Akibat gesekan ini maka terjadi pengereman yang menyebabkan putaran synchronizer key sama dengan sycronizer cone

Bila sleeve ditekan terus, sedangkan synchronizer ring tidak dapat bergerak maju lagi maka synchronizer key tertekan turun oleh oleh sleeve pada tonjolan key bagian atas. Karena key turun maka key tidak sanggup lagi menekan cone. Dengan demikian canfer sleeve hub dapat masuk dengan mudah pada camfer sleeve sycronizer cone, selanjutnya putaran dari main gear dapat diteruskan ke main shaft.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Basic series Diesel Engine

Although diesel engines have a deficiency in terms of noise than petrol engines. Dieselengines because the fuel efficiency advantages of choice for many users of motor vehiclefuel. As the effects of increasingly strict regulations on environmental pollution, dieselengines became one of the options in the use of internal-combustion engine system.Internal-combustion engines we encounter in car systems, ships, portable electricgenerators, buses, tractors etc. One of the advantages of diesel engines is to use thesystem Compression-ignition combustion (burning-press), which does not require spark plugs.

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Drifting As Hobbies: History and How to Do It

Automotive Share | Drifting As Hobbies: History and How to Do It |
First and foremost, drifting is the entertainment. At the professional level, drifting is a promising hobby. Drifting is an art skill with high speed driving techniques coupled with control of the car and sports car racing names who contend the use of such techniques. In competition, the driver attempted to make the car is in a position tilt and glide as long as possible.

Final Battle Autoblackthrough 2007: Ayis, "Mazda RX-7 was deliberately made ​​to drag the car"

If you look at the specs sports cars like the Mazda RX-7 or Mazda RX-8, sometimes we are invited to think, the vehicle must have a super power. Not only view of its physical form is very sporty, but from the specifications of the engine was already demonstrated reliability of the car. Mazda RX-known with its rotary engine technology capable of producing more power than the other engine technology, but what if the machine is in the Up-Grade again become an engine of more ferocious? Well, of course, would be very super duper fast later.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


Automotive Share | DIESEL ENGINE |

Diesel Engine

A diesel engine (also known as a compression-ignition engine) is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate ignition to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber. This is in contrast to spark-ignition engines such as a petrol engine (gasoline engine) or gas engine (using a gaseous fuel as opposed to gasoline), which uses a spark plug to ignite an air-fuel mixture. The engine was developed by Rudolf Diesel in 1893.

The diesel engine has the highest thermal efficiency of any regular internal or external combustion engine due to its very high compression ratio. Low-speed Diesel engines (as used in ships and other applications where overall engine weight is relatively unimportant) often have a thermal efficiency which exceeds 50 percent.[1][2]

Diesel engines are manufactured in two-stroke and four-stroke versions. They were originally used as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines. Since the 1910s they have been used in submarines and ships. Use in locomotives, trucks, heavy equipment and electric generating plants followed later...

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Image for the turbo intercooler

Automotif Share | | Image for the turbo intercooler

Turbo Intercooler
Turbocharger (turbo) is an additional component to increase the engine power without increasing the volume of a cylinder (cc) mesin.Turbo utilizing torque generated by the exhaust gas to supply more air into the cylinders

Power Steering

Automotive Share | Power Steering |

Power steering helps drivers steer vehicles by augmenting steering effort of the steering wheel. Hydraulic or electric actuators add controlled energy to the steering mechanism, so the driver needs to provide only modest effort regardless of conditions. Power steering helps considerably when a vehicle is stopped or moving slowly. As well, power steering provides some feedback of forces acting on the front wheels to give an ongoing sense of how the wheels are interacting with the road; this is typically called "rοad feel"·

Representative power steering systems for cars augment steering effort via an actuator, a hydraulic cylinder, which is part of a servo system. These systems have a direct mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the linkage that steers the wheels. This means that power-steering system failure (to augment effort) still permits the vehicle to be steered using manual effort alone.

Other power steering systems (such as those in the largest off-road construction vehicles) have no direct mechanical connection to the steering linkage; they require power. Systems of this kind, with no mechanical connection, are sometimes called "drive by wire" or "steer by wire", by analogy with aviation's "fly-by-wire". In this context, "wire" refers to electrical cables that carry power and data, not thin-wire-rope mechanical control cables.

In other power steering systems, electric motors provide the assistance instead of hydraulic systems. As with hydraulic types, power to the actuator (motor, in this case) is controlled by the rest of the power-steering system.

Some construction vehicles have a two-part frame with a rugged hinge in the middle; this hinge allows the front and rear axles to become non-parallel to steer the vehicle. Opposing hydraulic cylinders move the halves of the frame relative to each other to steer.

Contents [ hide]
1 History
2 Hydraulic systems
3 Electro-hydraulic systems
3.1 Servotronic
4 Electric systems
4.1 Electrically variable gear ratio systems
5 References
6 External links


The first power steering system on an automobile was apparently installed in 1876 by a man with the surname of Fitts. Little else is known about him. The next power steering system was put on a Columbia 5-ton truck in 1903.[1]

Robert E. Twyford, a resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, included a mechanical power steering mechanism as part of his patent (U.S. Patent 646,477) issued on April 3, 1900 for the first four wheel drive system.[2]

Francis W. Davis, an engineer of the truck division of Pierce Arrow began exploring how steering could be made easier, and in 1926 invented and demonstrated the first practical power steering system.[3][4][5] Davis moved to General Motors and refined the hydraulic-assisted power steering system, but the automaker calculated it would be too expensive to produce.[6] Davis then signed up with Bendix, a parts manufacturer for automakers. Military needs during World War II for easier steering on heavy vehicles boosted the need for power assistance on armored cars and tank-recovery vehicles for the British and American armies

Chrysler Corporation introduced the first commercially available passenger car power steering system on the 1951 Chrysler Imperial under the name "Hydraguide".[7] The Chrysler system was based on some of Davis' expired patents. General Motors introduced the 1952 Cadillac with a power steering system using the work Davis had done for the company almost twenty years earlier.[8]

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Image Series Car Air Conditioner

Understanding AC

Automoive share | |  Understanding AC

1. understanding AC
Air Conditioner is a tool capable of conditioning the air. In other words, AC Functioning Asthe desired air conditioning (cool or cold) and comfortable to the body. Ac More Widely used in tropical areas with air temperature conditions of relatively high (hot).

2.Komponen - Components of the AC
AC components grouped into 4 parts, the main component, supporting components,electrical, and coolant materials (refrigerants)

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Modified Cars

Automotive share | modified Cars

Modified Cars

This thread that contains foto2 car modification and commentaries that may be referencesto the modifier of the IF.
if you want ngepost, please show the pictures and little commentaries or data2nya.
can also post their own cars who have been modified.

Senin, 07 November 2011

Welcome to my blog brow!!!

kelistrikan body otomotif

Automotive share | kelistrikan body otomotif 

install a car alarm

automotive share | install a car alarm |
pairs alrm now safe in the future ...!!!

The rise of car thefts today makes us as a car owner must be extra careful - careful. It is better to maintain than to lose our pet, for that equip our cars with safety devices is one of the solutions that we can do. In the installation of security devices or alarm the car we can not be arbitrary. There are several points that we must do to maintain the security of our car electrical devices.

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Car Ignition System

Automotive share | Car Ignition System | Various models and types of automobile ignition system, starting with the ignition systemusing contact breaker or more we are familiar with the platinum, TCI, DIS, IDSI until theignition is controlled by the ECU / Electronic Control Unit.

cahaya motor

suzuki katana

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kategori  : SUZUKI
tipe         : katana
tahun      : 1984
transmisi : Manual
BB         : Premium

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- warna merah metalic
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